【同义词辨析】 2018-08-08 制作make-forge

make: applies to any action of producing or creating whether by an intelligent agency or blind forces and whether the product has material or immaterial existence: the factory ~s furniture. produce是正式语言,make随意一些,两个词都很通用)

form: implies the generating of a definite outline, structure, or design in the thing produced: ~ a plan. generate是按一定规则生成,如基因物理定律或写作方法: to generate an idea想出一个方法, to generate electricity电)

shape: suggests the impressing of a form upon some material by an external agent: ~ shrubbery into animal figures. (form和shape区别: form应用更广泛,不仅用于有形还可用于无形, shape只用于有形)

fashion: suggests the use of inventive power or ingenuity: ~ed a bicycle out of spare parts. (ingenious聪慧: 既善于发现又善于发明,可称作杰出brilliant,如an ingenious computer engineer一个杰出(聪慧)的电脑工程师)

fabricate: suggests a uniting of many parts into a whole and often implies an ingenious inventing of something false: ~ an exotic background for her biography. (exotic来自异国奇特, 如exotic fruit异国水果)

manufacture: implies a making repeatedly by a fixed process and usually by machinery: ~ shoes.

forge: implies a making or devising or concocting by great physical or mental effort: ~ an agreement after months of negotiating. (devise设计: 特指思考和尝试新方法,如devised new dishes to tempt the palate设计新菜诱惑品尝) (concoct调制捏造,如to concoct a cocktail调制鸡尾酒,或to concoct an excuse捏造借口)

make制造: 泛指任何生产创造,无论智力体力有形无形,form形成: 指生成概要轮廓(outline1概要2轮廓)结构方案,shape形状: 指有形物质受外力形成的形状,fashion创作: 表示有创造力(invent,ingenious),fabricate编造: 把各部分结合起来形成整体,常表示虚假,manufacture制造: 重复固定通常使用机器制造的过程,forge建立铸造: 指创建时需要付出巨大体力精力(great effort)

记忆方法:1)首字母FFFFMMS,4F2M1S想成ForMS形式<==制作就是赋予形式form, form是词根也是shape的基础词。

         2)制作的意思是使存在mean to cause to come into being.